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COVID changes E-commerce habits forever

Thu 18 Mar 2021

The ongoing novel corona pandemic has affected e-commerce, brick and mortar, B2B, and B2C businesses alike. The COVID pandemic has also altered the buying habits of consumers. From online purchases to bulk buying, we have seen consumers trying to withstand long quarantines with engaging pastimes.

As many countries instituted tough lockdown conditions, consumers saw online shopping portals as the only channel to meet their purchase needs. While shopaholics certainly missed the pleasure of walking their own shop aisles, eCommerce sites assured people of the necessities of survival.

Moreover, many firms began to fully understand the positive effect of having an online portal. With the pandemic ravaging normal life patterns, many firms took the monumental decision of going digital. Consequently, digital empowerment allowed firms to stay afloat in future pandemic conditions as well.

COVID brought basic necessities to the doorstep of consumers. Thereby, e-commerce became the most exploited digital innovation of the century. Moreover, experts forecast that the digital changes brought on by the COVID pandemic are to stay on forever. This clearly heralds a new era of digital empowerment for firms. Ecommerce platforms will become robust platforms for trading activities.