Web designing
Html structure
Basic Tags
Html 5
2. CSS
Types and syntax
3. Bootstrap Introduction
4. JavaScript
Variable Declaration
Form Validation
React js
1. What React
2. Why React
3. Installation and setup
4. Folder Structure
5. Components
6. Types of components
7. Creating component
8. States
9. setState
Node js
1. What is Node
2. Why Node
3. Installation and setup
4. Simple programs
5. Functions
6. Modules
7. Types of modules
8. Exporting and importing modules
9. Core modules
10. Third party modules
Datascience using Python
1. Introduction to Python
2. Variables
3. Operators
4. Datatypes
5. Conditional and looping statements
6. Functions
7. Modules
8. Packages
9. Introduction to datascience
10. Introduction to Python Packages used for datascience
11. Demo
1. What is Angular
2. Why Angular
3. Installation and setup
4. ngserve
5. Components
6. Folder structure
7. Creating component
8. Typescript