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Mern Stack

Mern Stack for Beginners

srishti campus Mern Stack for Beginners trivandrum
  • 60 Hrs
  • 95% placement

Learn this end-to-end stack of MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js to gaining popularity for modern web.

  • Mongodb
  •  Introduction to Node JS
  • NodeJS Projects
  • HTTP
  • Angular
  • What is typescript?
  • Interpolation

Get the best MERN Stack online and offline training

Srishti Campus promises an enriching learning experience with MERN Stack Online and Offline Training with live session

At Srishti Campus, our faculty of experts promise not just a monotonous routine of classes but also a chance to get placed with 100% assistance and corporate training Extensive knowledge in Full Stack Web Development Mern Stack course aims to deliver an exclusive knowledge of software development with expertise in backend and front-end technologies. It is indisputably one of the most demanding careers in 2022 with the end number of opportunities and pay.

MERN Stack in Detail

The technology of MERN Stack usually means a combination of four technologies: ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, and Node.js. These technologies handle the areas of Node. j.s web framework, client-side javascript format, document database, and premier JavaScript web server, respectively.

What do you get from Srishti Campus?

Our MERN Stack online training and live sessions provide our candidates with various perks for aspiring web and full-stack developers. The Internship and Certificate courses open up a series of learning options to the candidates.

      ● Practical experience and exposure to various designs and components
      ● Understanding and working with CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and HTML5
      ● JavaScript allows you to manipulate DOM factors
      ● Pros and Cons of using React
      ● Exposure to Node.js, streams, events, APIs, and execution
      ● Comprehensive knowledge of functional components, routing in React, and lifecycle

Who should join us?

      ● Students with a background of technical and professional knowledge/degree
      ● Career switchers with an interest in the field of Information and technology
      ● Teachers, trainers, working professionals who would like to upskill themselves and find their luck in the IT domain

Our Key Areas

      ● MERN Stack Online Training and live session
      ● Interactive Demo Classes
      ● Individual Session/Training
      ● Placement Assistance
      ● Just-in-Time Interview
      ● 100+ course modules and packages
      ● Exclusive Job Portal
      ● Assistance from Industrial Experts
      ● Assessment Segments