It’s a time where companies are asking for experience before your first job. So it’s better for you to get some real time experience working in live projects with expert developers. Nevertheless, it should not be neglected. It is a professional skill development program and Software Internship in a real industry environment with the support of highly experienced professionals and using advanced technical infrastructure. Srishti Campus provides the best Software Internship Programme in Trivandrum, Kerala. Rather than just providing conventional classroom training, our Software Internships covers an extra mile to provide working knowledge and industry experience to the trainees through LIVE PROJECTS, thereby enabling them to become skilled professionals. Software Internships also support the trainees to secure an IT job with 100% PLACEMENT SUPPORT. We offer Job Oriented Online Software training, Software Internships, Academic Project assistance with all documentation support, Live project experiences etc to help various audience who join Srishti to polish their career.This is the right time for you to develop your skills through our Software Internship program ,Come Join with us...
Selection process for Internship
The selection process is conducted after 2 weeks of their training commencement. Once the candidate cracks the selection process, they can continue as a trainee. They will be trained in the assigned technology in a development oriented method.
Selection process for Internship includes
Eligibility Criteria
Add – On’s to each language training